DPF Contamination in Agricultural Machinery

"Smoking like a tractor"—this is a common remark from frustrated road users about trucks emitting black smoke from their exhaust pipes. However, for owners of modern agricultural and specialized machinery, this may sound like an insult: their machines have long been equipped with devices that take care of the environment just as well as those in automobiles. These include electronic components, such as the ECU, which monitors proper engine operation, as well as mechanical devices—most notably, the well-known DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter).

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DPF Contamination in Agricultural Machinery

"Smoking like a tractor"—this is a common remark from frustrated road users about trucks emitting black smoke from their exhaust pipes. However, for owners of modern agricultural and specialized machinery, this may sound like an insult: their machines have long been equipped with devices that take care of the environment just as well as those in automobiles. These include electronic components, such as the ECU, which monitors proper engine operation, as well as mechanical devices—most notably, the well-known DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter).

Environmental Standards for Agricultural and Specialized Machinery

While vehicle emissions are regulated by Euro standards, the reduction of the negative environmental impact of agricultural and construction machinery is governed by other regulations:● Stage – an environmental regulation of the European Union that controls emissions from off-road machinery, including agricultural machines, construction equipment, and generators.● Tier – international emission standards developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for harmful substances released into the atmosphere.
The requirements of both regulations are largely similar, so manufacturers ensure their machinery complies with both. The latest versions—Stage V (effective since 2019) and Tier 4 Final (fully implemented in 2015)—mandate the installation of DPFs (Diesel Particulate Filters) or FAPs.

Features of Particulate Filters in Specialized and Agricultural Machinery

The operating principle of DPFs in agricultural machinery engines is similar to that in passenger or commercial vehicles. Diesel combustion occurs at a lower temperature than in gasoline engines, meaning some of the carbon in the fuel remains unburned and forms soot particles. Although soot accounts for less than 1% of emissions, when expelled into the air, it creates visible smoke and releases carcinogens that can cause serious diseases, including cancer.
The honeycomb structure of the DPF prevents these harmful substances from entering the atmosphere, trapping them inside. DPFs in specialized machinery also feature a built-in regeneration process. Moreover, regeneration is often easier to perform in these machines. Unlike automobiles, where the ECU controls the process, in tractors, bulldozers, and other heavy equipment, the operator can manually trigger self-cleaning.

However, DPF clogging in this type of machinery is a serious issue. The main reasons include:
● Delayed self-cleaning activation – In an effort to maximize work efficiency, operators often "forget" to start the process, believing it saves fuel and engine hours. However, regular maintenance with a diesel particulate filter cleaning machine can help prevent excessive clogging and improve efficiency.● High ash content in the filter – Even if DPF regeneration is activated on time, the standard cycle may not be enough to clean the unit. In such cases, using a dpf filter cleaning machine ensures thorough removal of deposits and restores filter performance.
This problem arises due to the working conditions of such machinery: at least 40-50% of the operating time is spent idling. In this mode, the piston rings do not heat up sufficiently, leading to poor oil removal from the cylinder walls. As a result, more oil enters the exhaust gas stream (and subsequently the DPF filter), where it burns and further increases soot buildup.

Because of this, operators must check clogging alerts every 15-20 minutes and regenerate the filter almost every work shift. Given that each regeneration consumes between 4 and 8 liters of fuel, depending on the engine size and machine model, owners are understandably concerned about additional costs and are seeking solutions.


What to Do if the DPF Is Clogged

The available options are similar to those used for other diesel equipment. The three main choices are:
1. Replacement
2. DPF Removal
3. Cleaning/Washing

A new original DPF is extremely expensive, often costing several thousand dollars. The performance of non-original filters during regeneration is unpredictable, and buying a used one is practically the same as cleaning the existing filter. However, completely removing the DPF is not an ideal solution either. While it offers some benefits, there are significant drawbacks:
● Increased fuel consumption, as the engine parameters must be reprogrammed for a lower emission standard.● Modifications to other engine components, such as removing the EGR valve and installing flame arrestors.● Additional strain on the fuel system, including the fuel injection pump and injectors, which may lead to faster wear and failure.● Potential engine issues, particularly with crankcase ventilation, the catalytic converter, and the turbocharger.● Loss of warranty—removing the DPF may void the manufacturer’s warranty.
Moreover, a DPF-free engine will emit significantly more pollutants, which can create problems on construction sites and other controlled environments, potentially hindering contract opportunities. Therefore, cleaning the particulate filter remains the most effective solution for addressing clogging issues. Investing in diesel particulate filter cleaning equipment helps extend the filter’s lifespan and avoid unnecessary expenses.

How to Properly Clean DPFs in Agricultural and Specialized Machinery


The most common cleaning method is chemical washing, where the filter is soaked for 10-12 hours in a special solution designed to dissolve soot deposits. However, this method has several disadvantages:● Toxicity● Difficulty in removing deposits from filter cells without pressure● No clear way to verify complete cleaning● High cost of cleaning chemicals
Using professional cleaning services is an option, but for specialized machinery owners, it can be impractical. Transporting a large, heavy DPF filter to a service center is logistically challenging and increases downtime and costs. Having access to a diesel particulate filter cleaning machine on-site minimizes downtime and maintenance costs.
A better alternative is investing in diesel particulate filter cleaning equipment, especially for large farms, construction companies, and vehicle fleets, to reduce downtime and operational costs.
One such solution is the MS 900 cleaning system, a powerful dpf filter cleaning machine that removes contaminants using a hydro-pneumatic method with water and compressed air pulses. This system performs a full range of DPF maintenance tasks, including:
● Diagnosis● Cleaning● Drying
The MS 900 is compact, fitting into almost any workshop. It does not require expensive chemicals—just a connection to water, electricity, compressed air, and drainage. One trained operator can handle the entire process after completing a training program by MSG.
On average, the MS 900 pays for itself after cleaning 100 DPF filters, after which it starts generating profit. Additionally, by offering cleaning services externally, businesses can accelerate ROI and increase revenue. A dpf clean machine like the MS 900 ensures consistent filter performance, reducing maintenance costs and increasing operational efficiency.

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